Friday, February 27, 2009


I'm mad today. I think I've done a pretty good at being positive and reminding myself that things could always be worse. But today I AM VERY ANGRY. I'm so @#$%^ing sick of not feeling well (mainly cramping). And for what? It's not like I'm getting a baby out of this (not likely anyway) but yet I have to be reminded ALL THE TIME that I'm pregnant because of the cramping. I am so angry that I don't know what to do. I'm embarrased for writing about this but part of me simply does not care. I'm 21 1/2 weeks along. How long is this going to drag out? How many times will Tyler have to see me cry? I know it upsets him and I hate that. He's only 3 and he shouldn't have to see him mommy cry so much. The Bible says that God does not give us more than we can handle. I'm not upset with God but he needs to know that I am slowly cracking like an egg that is being boiled in pan of water.


~sheri~ said...

Jen, it sounds like you are going through all the stages of grief. One of them is anger. I can't imagine what you are going through. I think it helps to be open and honest with your feelings. I feel for little Tyler, he has got to be very confused.

melissa said...

I am mad for and with you as well. You have all the rights to go through every motion. I wish there was more I could do! For know I keep praying..all my love..Melissa C

Kris said...

I'm so sorry Jen that you're having to go through all of this pain! I wish I could be there to comfort & support you! Just remember that everything that you're feeling is VERY normal! It will be a day by day struggle, maybe even minute by minute struggle. But God promised He will never leave or forsake us. So remember He's with you through all of this (even when we don't feel it) & loves you & Kevin more than you could imagine! I love you tons! Love, Kris :)