I bought Tyler several pair of big boy underpants today. I tried a pair on him and he looked so darn cute! I decided to do the "cold turkey" method of potty training with him. We'll probably need to stay home for a couple days straight. He'll wear the underpants and I'll probably be cleaning up a lot of urine and bowel movements. Good thing we have a steam cleaner for the carpet. I've been introducing the idea of the potty chair and he's sat on it a few times. He totally knows what it is for but he doesn't want to use it.
I bought a boy baby doll that takes a bottle and urinates. I tried to show Ty that the baby can use the potty instead of going in it's diapers. The problem is that the baby doll urinates within about a second of taking the bottle so it doesn't make a lot of sense. Tyler figured out it was the exact water coming out of the baby doll that was going in. There is no delay, like the way it works with people. I have a pretty good feeling about this whole thing. I'm just going to make sure we do it over a weekend so Rick can help me clean up and encourage Tyler. I do not like being homebound, though, so that part will be rough. Wish me luck because we're going to dive in this weekend or next.
9 years ago
Good luck!!! That was what drew me to the Potty Scotty doll--it seems to pee "on command" instead of as soon as you put water in. We had one of the types you have with Emily and it was a mess (and pointless). Let me know if you have success with anything in particular b/c we're counting down to the "big day" over here too :) I agree, the underpants just look SOO cute on them!!!
Good Luck Tyler you can do it.
your Buddy Liam :)
Good luck!!! Just think, a potty trined boy means you can downsize the diaper bag...I'm sooo envious.
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