I don't think I can write all that I want to tonight as I should already be in bed. Here is part 1:
Thursday, March 11, 2010 Week 36 and 1 day along
9:30am - I had a routine ultrasound and OB appointment. Everything was fine. Not dialated and u/s measured the baby as weighing 6 lbs. 5 oz.
12:45pm - On way to Rick's office with Tyler for our baby shower given by co-workers. Felt a gush. Worried about water breaking and about the seat's interior of my brand new car! Called Rick and asked him to meet me in parking lot with towels. I was scared. Not as much fluid as it felt like. Went inside, called OB's office and they advised me to come back at 3:45pm for an evaluation. Fluid was totally clear which didn't make sense and I knew it wasn't urine. Proceeded with baby shower. Very sweet of his co-workers. Asked Rick to leave work with me and Ty. We all went home and I finished packing bags in case I'd be admitted to hospital. Me, Rick and Tyler went to OB.
3:45pm - Midwife checked me, did litmus test and looked at fluid sample under microscope. Water did not break but was dialated to 1. Not dialated at all at visit from the morning. Fluid I leaked is called leukorrhea which I'm familiar with but it didn't make sense that it was THAT much. Went home.
9:00pm - Watched The Office then drifted off to sleep.
10:00pm - 1:00am Had to keep getting up as more and more fluid was coming. Felt mild contractions. Perplexed. Called OB's on-call service. Spoke to nurse who had midwife Tina call me. Tina said I needed to come to the hospital so she could check me.
Friday, March 12, 2010
1:20am Woke Rick up, told him what was going on. He woke Tyler up. Grabbed my bags and drove to hospital.
2:00am Midwife Tina checked me, took one look and said, "Yes, honey, your water broke big time. You're dialated to 3. You'll be having this baby today. This is where things get really interesting. I said, "No, it's too early," and I began to hyperventilate. Tina and Rick tried to calm me down. I was too far gone with the hyperventalitation and I threw up and then passed out. I woke up and said, "I was just dreaming," but then realized what just happened and started to hyperventilate again as there were now several people in the room (Rick said things got quite worrisome when I passed out hence the need for extra help.)Tina became very serious with me. She said, "Jennifer, when you had this episode your baby's heart rate dropped significantly. I need for you to calm down, breathe deeply and slowly, so we can try to bring this baby's heart rate up. If not, you'll need an emergency C-section." Thank goodness I was able to concentrate on what she was telling me and was able to breath as she told me. Baby's rate came up to a healthy level.
2:30am Admitted to hospital and went to labor and delivery suite. Contractions stronger but totally tollerable. Tyler was actually wide awake all night! I was really uncomfortable because of the monitors around my tummy and the fact that I had to lay in a certain way. Only a tiny bit tired.
The three of us spent the rest of the night just hanging out.
7:00am Tyler fell asleep after being up since 1:30am! Rick tried to catch a cat nap.
Stay tuned for more....I need to go to bed!
9 years ago
I love that you wrote this all out. Mine were all born "pre-blog" and I didn't take the time to sit down and write their birthing stories. Now it's all one fuzzy memory. I'm glad for you that you'll have this recorded. Now....where's that part 2?! :)
You can't leave us hanging like that. You did a great job with part one. Really gave me a since of what happened. It is good to get it all down now, before you forget. Now part two please. Of course when you have time. It's not like you aren't a little busy!
More please!!! You know, in your spare time and all. Hehehe.. Hope you all are doing well. Looking foreard to reading the rest.
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