Hi, My name is Jen and I'm a milking cow. Corey has not been able to latch on yet despite help from the L.C. in the hospital and two different trips to the L.C. at my pediatrician's office. Actually, he was able to extract a tiny bit of milk with the help of the L.C. and a nipple shield on our last trip. This was promising but we are going back in another week once Corey turns a month old. Everyone who's helped me try to get him to latch on has said that he has an immature suck, probably due to being four weeks early. Additionally, white males have the hardest time latching on. Isn't that interesting?
I have a close relationship with the breast pump I rented. I do not enjoy this relationship and am even coming to dislike it but I will say that it's working out well for Corey's sake. I pump six times a day religiously but can't manage more than that. At first I was happily surprised that it did not hurt. Well, it sure started to hurt about 14 days after beginning to pump. Now I cringe when it's time to turn on the pump. Ouch. I don't produce enough milk to solely feed that to Corey but at most I'm only giving him formula about 20% of the time. Pumping, bottle feeding and washing the pump parts and bottles takes up a large part of my life. Each day I want to give up but I don't because I figure if I've got the milk I'd be a fool not to pump it. Some gals don't produce enough milk as is the case with one of my good friends. She's going through that right now.
My prayer is that Corey will be mature enough to latch on soon, that we'll have a break through at next week's L.C. appointment. Also, at some point, if he does not latch on I won't be able to pump enough to give him what he needs. The percentage of formula vs. breast milk with shift. I'm not someone who hates formula but I feel like I really need to give Corey breast milk. Tyler only got my breast milk once. He was NPO (nothing by mouth) for several weeks and I simply stopped pumping. I had to take that off my plate given everything that was going on with him being in the NICU and my mom dying. I have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about however I will always wonder if Tyler didn't have as good a start had I pumped and put the milk in the freezer. Maybe I'm partially trying to make up for what Tyler didn't get by giving it to Corey?
9 years ago
Jen-both Kai and Owen did not latch on, they were both tongue-tied (clipped at hospital) but never latched. I was able to pump for 8 months and 6 months it was hard very hard, it definitly takes time, takes alot out of you. Just do what you can Corey will be fine if he gets either breast milk or formula. (if you are concerned about supply I used fenugreek and it helped with that, although you may have a syrup smell to you) Don't stress over it and enjoy the newborn phase it is my favorite.
Proud of you for sticking with it this long. I pumped for Aubree for about two weeks before she learned how to latch and it WAS not easy, as you have found out. Any BM is good for baby, so you have already done well! Keep with it as long as you feel up to it and like Jenn said savor the newborn phase... It goes by WAY too quick!
i pumped exclusively for molly for 5 weeks because she was so small, and then one day in a moment of exhaustion and frustration, i put her to nurse and she did!! keep it up! you can do it and keep trying corey. someday soon he just might get it. (and if he doesn't, know that that's okay too!)
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