Monday, June 23, 2008

Good News and Neutral News?

Today I took Tyler to see an Orthopedic Specialist because his left foot turns in when he walks. I wasn't very worried about it but our Physical Therapist thought it was a good idea to consult the doctor. Fortunately, the doctor said that it is nothing to worry about at this point and that it is actually fairly common! That is the good news. The neutral news is that I got back the results from my blood tests taken two weeks ago (trying to ascertain why I'm having miscarriages). My tests are fine. We have not received the results from the chromosome tests yet; Rick and I were both tested for that. I really don't think that there is a chromosome issue because we were able to have Tyler. :-) The reason I say the new is 'neutral' is because I would just like an answer!

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